Legal Notice
[Company Name]
Company name or company name
Company head office address
Names of company directors
Company phone number, fax number, and email address
Registration number in the trade and companies register, or other authority applicable to the activity
Tax Identification Number
Legal form of the company
Amount of Share Capital
If your website offers services as part of an activity that requires approval from a public authority, contact details of the supervisory authority must be provided
Name, name or company name and address and telephone number of the host of its site
Notices relating to the use of personal data
Notices relating to the use of cookies
Information on the use of personal data
We collect this data in order to manage your order. We also use your email address to send you advertising about products similar to those you order. If you do not wish to receive such solicitations, check the box below:
[ ] I object to the MissMagCrea company offering me by email products similar to those I have already ordered.
This data may also allow the MissMagCrea company to send you other advertisements by email. If you wish to receive prospecting by email from the MissMagCrea company, check the boxes below:
[ ] I agree that the company MissMagCrea may offer me new products or services by email.